Frozen Yogurt Franchises

frozen yogurt franchiseMany entrepreneurs are looking to open a frozen yogurt franchise due to it’s increasing popularity.  Frozen yogurt has become a popular frozen treat as it is less in fat than ice cream and contains the healthy active cultures found in yogurt.

Here are some suggestions on how to open a frozen yogurt franchise.

Research Frozen Yogurt Franchises

The first step is to gather all the information you can about the various frozen yogurt franchises available. Search for a few franchises in your area and visit their locations,  visit the franchise websites, request information packets on the different franchise opportunities. This will help you get a feel for the overall concept of each franchise.

Try to visit at least three different frozen yogurt franchises and speak with the owners.

Some questions to ask current franchise owners:

1. Ask how their profits are?

2. Are they happy with the franchise they chose?

3. What is the most difficult part of their job?

4. What was their first step in opening their shop?

The next step would be to request information from the frozen yogurt franchise you are interested in to discover what their particular start up costs are and initial investment requirements (total investment can be $100,000 – $300,000 depending on the franchise and type of store).

All franchises require various capital investment amounts and have varying degrees of support. Analyzing all the information you can will give you a better idea of which frozen yogurt franchise is best suited to fit your needs.


Spoon Me Frozen YogurtSpoon Me Frozen Yogurt Franchise
Spoon Me offers a unique and exciting Frozen Yogurt and Smoothie franchise opportunity. Spoon Me is one of the fastest growing in the industry and offers a very strong franchise brand and product.