Some Tips on Starting & Running a Successful Ice Cream Business
In a recent internet article entitled How to Start an Ice Cream Business by Valencia Higuera, an eHow Contributing writer, she states “…opening an ice cream shop requires a lot of planning and business owners need to know the ins and outs of running a successful business.”
Trust me as both an ice cream consultant and writer of ice cream business plans, now in my 45th year I know all too well truer words have NEVER been spoken. Having and USING a business plan is vital to the ultimate success of YOUR ice cream business. In addition when one refers to the “ins and outs of a successful business” this phrase translates to the following:
EITHER know the ins and outs OR know WHERE to go to get the ins and outs to run your business.
On the subject of business plans there are generally two ways to
achieve this objective:
1. utilize a business plan software program (Ice Cream Profits biz plan software is your BEST bet!! I heartedly recommend and endorse it.)
2. have a professional business plan writer write your business plan
The difference between the two choices above will be cost.
Most small time ice cream operators can do just fine with the Ice Cream Profits business plan template. If you feel you need a custom prepared business plan you may wish to contact this article writer at or 800-840-4320 for more information.
Once you have written your business plan and your ice cream shop is “Open for Business” there is no more important facet of your business than the recordkeeping. TIP: Do NOT keep “good” records; keep GREAT Records!! It is necessary indeed to keep GREAT records for several reasons:
1. provide you with detailed financial info that will enable you to make prudent business decisions on an ongoing basis
2. provide you, and also your accountant, with the necessary financial info to be utilized in preparing your business financial statements: Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenses as well as financial projections for future periods
3. provide you with all necessary data needed to prepare accurate and complete tax returns utilizing all tax deductions you are entitled to
4. have detailed backup financial data available in the event your business tax return is selected for an I.R.S. tax audit: TAX TIP – insufficient and incomplete tax info could result in I.R.S. disallowing in whole or in part certain business expense deductions
Finally a suggestion that will certainly insure you of far greater success in your ice cream shop business: hire a good accountant that specializes in working with small business owners. Trust me – it is one of the best moves you will ever make and will help insure that your business thrives in the years ahead.