The Humble Bench in Front of Your Shop

If there is one way to seem very friendly to your local community it is to have a pretty bench placed just outside your shop. This one in front of the Wedding Cakes Shoppe in Toronto (which also sells coffee and ice cream) is a perfect example of how a bench can used to invite passerbys to come in, buy a cupcake, coffee or ice cream cone and then sit for a spell in front of the store.

Notice that this bench is painted in a pretty pastel powder blue that matches the store window graphics and displays. The store also does not waste much space in the front window, filling it with cupcakes on a plexiglass stand and models of cakes. Yet another friendly touch is the large sign on the window inviting the public to follow the Wedding Cake Shoppe on Twitter. This is a nice way to get a lot of followers and also keep your customers informed about what you have to offer. In fact, some stores even offer free rewards to walk-ins who follow them on Twitter such as a free cone or a cup-cake. This is a thank-you to the customer for the free viral advertising that Twitter has to offer.


Jason Lexell

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