Attract Customers With a Big Patio Mural About Ice Cream
If you have the wall space, and if your city permits, then one of the greatest things you can do for your community and your business interests is hire a local artist to do a customized mural for you.
This particular mural at the Big Chill in Toronto, Ontario Canada is at an ice cream shop that is the favorite of parents and kids in the neighbourhood. Aside from having painted a wall with happy cartoon-like images of ice cream, this sunny patio is especially friendly to children. Note the tiny pink picnic table which is perfect for a kid to sit at and eat an ice cream cone.
Depending on who is buying the paint, how large the wall is and how experienced the muralist is the owner of an ice cream business can expect to pay between $300 and $2000 for a mural like this. This particular mural was done for less than $800.
Always check your zoning before embarking on a project like this because in some cities, like Toronto, the city will call out thier “graffitti removal” teams and get rid of it by painting it over.
Photo by Donna Lypchuk. Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.