An ice cream truck business is one of the best business ventures for two kinds of entrepreneurs: those who do not have a lot of capital to put down and those who do not have a lot of additional manpower. Because running to get treats from the ice cream truck is a traditional pastime in America, an ice cream truck business is also recession proof. ...

With the uncertainty of the economy and struggles of job security, some people are doing what they can to maintain their careers. Here’s an inspiring story of 2 women who said good-bye to their careers to start their vision of a unique ice cream truck business. Natasha Case and Freya Estreller started their business, Coolhaus, selling gourmet ice cream sandwiches from a postal truck turned...

The most successful ice cream trucks are not the ones that just sell prepackaged novelties, they are the ones that sell “real” ice cream, you know the soft serve or hard ice cream that everyone knows and loves. People want their ice cream with hot fudge and sprinkles and mini M&Ms, and this is exactly the kind of business that ice cream parlors specialize in....
Designer Eric Zhang has created the next generation ice cream truck. The MERM, or Modular Electronic Retail Minivan, is designed for rapid conversion. The vehicle can transform from a van into a complete vending station in three minutes: this includes a sales area, storage bins, and room for signage. Zhang postulates the MERM would be most effective in settings where an outdoor market needs to...