Flavoring Soft Serve Ice Cream Mixes
Q: How do you use your mixes? Do you add your flavoring mixes to the ice cream or is it already to dump and freeze? Our school bought a new soft serve machine and want other flavors than vanilla and chocolate. I was reading about your mixes and it says to mix water and flavor. How does this work?
— Sean, Grand Junction, IA
A: Thank you for your question. We here at ice cream profits do not sell ice cream mixes directly, but we do list a number of companies who sell these mixes.
For example, Steve’s Frozen Chillers (www.stevesfrozenchillers.com) sells mix ins that you have inquired about. They say that all you need to do is mix the flavoring with water and simply add this mixture into your soft serve machine and you will have the variety off flavors you want. Apparently the ice cream mixture is a powder so when you add water and mix it in the soft serve ice cream machine you have, it all comes together.
I hope you find this information helpful and good luck with the flavoring!